I am giving away two earphones ... for a promise.

I am giving two earphones away, at no cost:
  • one pair of the dual-driver Polymorph earphones (sold for 250 CHF)
  • one pair of the all new Quantum Bit earphones (sold for 90 CHF)

So where is the snag? To become eligible for give-away, you have to make a meaningful promise benefiting others (such as to family, society or Mother Earth) and delivery on it within reasonable time. 

Some examples:

- I will spend x h per week more with my children during the next 2 months.

- I will use public transportation instead of using the car during December 23.

- I will do x h of community work (gathering trash, working in soup kitchen etc) in January 24.

Consider SMART to help design a suitable promise and choose a completion date not too far in the future. Earphones will be shipped when the promise is delivered.

To be clear: donating money is too easy, so it doesn't count.

Send your promise to giveaway2023❤executive.audio along with your name by latest 30 November 2023. The two most meaningful ones (uniqueness, magnitude of benefit) will win the draw. Of course, we'll check on delivery of those promises on completion date.